Once Im in what is my first step? You will see a file "click_here.sh" on your desktop. Execute that file. Your environment will setup
It might take a few minutes for tools,terminals,documents etc to open, so hang tight!
How can I save my work? Your playground container has a time limit after which it will be destroyed. You can save your project and
work on it in another container, if you opened the environment with a project. You have been provided
a folder named ‘save_folder’ on your desktop. Place all the project, configuration, data, DB scripts,
instructions, other text files etc. into this folder and click on the ‘Save’ button. This will save
your work on to a project repository.
How do I retrieve my project in a new container? When you select the same playground at a later point of time, you'll have an option
to open with the same project and the project folder(save_folder) will be loaded on to
your desktop automatically. You can then further work on it and save again.
What does Close do? Close will shut down your container. This will end your session.
What are the recommendations to ensure that your work continues hassle free?
Remember that we will save only what is in the folder named ‘save_folder’ created on the desktop
when your environment starts up. Keep your primary work areas in the ‘save_folder’ folder. Keep track
of the configuration changes that are made to frameworks, tools and have a read me kind of file.
Keep track of Database manipulations in the form of scripts. Keep deployment scripts if you are
using them. Keep some textual instructions and steps to be followed so that you remember what to do
once you are in a new container.
Can I share my project and have more people work on it simultaneously? Yes! But you’ll have to wait a bit. This feature is coming really soon to you!
Can I download my project to my local desktop? Good Question! Our brains are on it and we are white boarding the design. Will bring this
feature to you soon.
Does playground have an inactive timeout? Yes, if the playground is inactive for more than 15 minutes, playground will be terminated.
You are all set to code!
Please save your code before you Close the environment
Note : This will only save the data in "save_folder" folder on desktop